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RailsConf 2018: Keynote: The Future of Rails 6: Scalable by Default by Eileen Uchitelle
"The Future of Rails 6: Scalable by Default" by Eileen M. Uchitelle
RailsConf 2020 CE - Keynote: Technically, a Talk by Eileen Uchitelle
RailsConf 2018: Keynote: Rails Doesn't Scale by Mark Imbriaco
RailsConf 2018: Closing Keynote by Aaron Patterson
RailsConf 2018: The Life and Death of a Rails App by Olivier Lacan
RailsConf 2018: The Evolution of Rails Security by Justin Collins
Ruby on Ice 2019 Keynote: The Past, Present, and Future of Rails at GitHub by Eileen Uchitelle
RailsConf 2018: Giving your Heroku App highly-available PostgreSQL by Jake Varghese
RailsConf 2017: Building Rails ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase Framework by Eileen Uchitelle
RailsConf 2018: Here’s to the crazy ones by James Adam
Technically, a Talk - Eileen Uchitelle - Rubyday 2020